Denmark Senior High School provides a first class Year 11 and Year 12 education program that is attuned to the needs and aspirations of all students, the community of Denmark and the outlying communities in the region. The school delivers a wide range of subjects and courses that, on successful completion, enable students to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
To achieve their WACE, students select from either an ATAR suite of courses or a Vocational Education and Training (VET) suite of courses. The ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) courses provide students with the opportunity to gain admission to most of the undergraduate courses offered by universities both in Western Australia and in other Australian states. Denmark Senior High School is proud of the high level achievement by students in their ATAR exams and the high number of student who gain entry in a university. Although a smaller school compared to other schools in the Great Southern Region, Denmark Senior High School has developed a reputation for high level student achievement.
The school has engaged with a range of businesses in both Denmark and Albany to form productive partnerships for students to participate in a range of work placements and (VET) certificates leading to achievement of nationally recognised industry level qualifications. This range of VET offerings enables students to select a program of study linked to their interest or vocation beyond Year 12.
Students can also choose to participate in one of the school’s specialist programs. Those studying music at Denmark SHS have had the opportunity to perform locally, in the Great Southern Region and at the Schools Opus in the Perth Concert Hall. All students can choose to join in the annual drama production which is much anticipated and well received by the Denmark community. Members of the Basketball Specialist Program can choose to extend their development into a range of Physical Education courses in Senior School.  The annual Country Week competition showcases a range of sports and is a popular choice of many for our students.
Please refer to our Year 11 Handbook for more information: